Saturday, February 04, 2006

FIRE! Part II (aka: deja vu all over again)

It seems like a bad dream (or a bad sitcom), but: the already damaged KOOP radio facilities suffered catastrophic damage during a massive 4-alarm blaze early this morning. Once again, while the fire did not originate within the KOOP facilities, it didn't take long for the conflagration to spread... The station brass is coming up with contingency plans to return to the airwaves as we speak; until then, KVRX will be broadcasting in our stead. If you would like to see how you can pitch in, please visit the station website at When I know more, I'll let you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew JG was the hottest show on Austin Radio but two fires in one month is outta control! A friend with the Fire Dept. was on the scene and said this was the most intense fire he'll likely see in his firefighting career. My understanding is that everyone made it out without harm, but the front wall of the building collapsed on a firefighter who miraculously made it out okay.


11:37 AM  

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